Hybrid Saunas offer you both of the best in world sauna bathing. They come with both heating types, the electric stove with rocks to create dry heat and steam, and they also come with the infrared heaters, therefore, 'hybrid' for both types combined.
The dual heat hybrid saunas are ideal for people or families that like both heat sources for their sun bathing. The heat types are not to be used together at the same time. You choose which heat source for one sauna session.
Infrared heaters penetrate your body with infrared waves and heat your body from the inside for the best detox.
The electric heaters heat the air of the sauna cabin and can get as high as 180 degrees with steam and humidity, after pouring a bit of water on the rocks of the heater. It's a different kind of heat than the infrared waves.
Both hybrid sauna heater options give you a choice. You can change up your sauna bathing experience every time.