Track Your Order
After your order is placed, an email will arrive in your email inbox with your order confirmation and an order number. The email will also include a link to your order page with information about the item you've purchased.
Items typically ship within just a few business days. Some exceptions may apply (ie: Global Pandemics & subsequent mandatory lock downs for example).
Once your order is shipped you will receive another email notification that will include your tracking number and the shipping carrier it is sent with. You can track your shipment using the link provided in the email.
If you do not receive an order confirmation email, or a notification of your order being shipped within 3 business days, unless previous specified otherwise, please contact us. Call us at 866-433-7102 or email
Items typically ship within just a few business days. Some exceptions may apply (ie: Global Pandemics & subsequent mandatory lock downs for example).
Once your order is shipped you will receive another email notification that will include your tracking number and the shipping carrier it is sent with. You can track your shipment using the link provided in the email.
If you do not receive an order confirmation email, or a notification of your order being shipped within 3 business days, unless previous specified otherwise, please contact us. Call us at 866-433-7102 or email